expositie / exhibition
in gallery 9
17-10-2015 / 14-11-2015
tije domburg
‘eigen dna’ /‘own dna’
tije domburg
‘eigen dna’ /‘own dna’
tije domburg
‘eigen dna’ /‘own dna’
tije domburg
‘eigen dna’ /‘own dna’
tije domburg
‘eigen dna’ /‘own dna’
eddy stikkelorum
‘dream of new york’ #015
‘how to catch the morning light’
‘dream of new york’ #011
‘dream of new york’ #010
‘dream of new york’ #022
‘resembling a window in form or
‘dream of new york’ #012
tije domburg
‘eigen dna’ /‘own dna’
eddy stikkelorum
‘dream of new york’ #015
‘how to catch the morning light’
‘dream of new york’ #011
‘dream of new york’ #010
‘dream of new york’ #022
‘resembling a window in form or
‘dream of new york’ #012
tije domburg
‘eigen dna’ /‘own dna’
tije domburg
‘eigen dna’ /‘own dna’
eddy stikkelorum
‘dream of new york’ #015
tije domburg
‘eigen dna’ /‘own dna’
eddy stikkelorum
‘how to catch the morning light’
‘dream of new york’ #011
‘dream of new york’ #010
‘dream of new york’ #022
‘resembling a window in form or
‘dream of new york’ #012
tije domburg
‘eigen dna’ /‘own dna’
eddy stikkelorum
‘dream of new york’ #012
tije domburg
‘eigen dna’ /‘own dna’
tije domburg
‘eigen dna’ /‘own dna’
eddy stikkelorum
‘resembling a window in form or
‘dream of new york’ #022
‘dream of new york’ #010
‘dream of new york’ #011
‘how to catch the morning light’
tije domburg
‘eigen dna’ /‘own dna’
eddy stikkelorum
‘like leaving an inner contain-
part 2’
‘like leaving an inner contain’
eddy stikkelorum
‘like leaving an inner contain-
part 2’
‘like leaving an inner contain’
eddy stikkelorum
‘like leaving an inner contain’
‘dream of new york #006’
‘dream of new york #009’
eddy stikkelorum
‘like leaving an inner contain’
‘dream of new york #006’
‘dream of new york #009’